Tuesday, January 24, 2012

In the proper order

As Julie Andrews sang in "The Sound of Music" the beginning is ... the very place to start.
And so I shall start, with the definitions I found for my title words.
As I am going to use the word in this blog, mull means:
To think about (a fact, proposal, or request) deeply and at length: "she began to mull over the various possibilities".
(not the warm beverage to which spices and sweetening are added nor the island in western Scotland in the Inner Hebrides,separated from the mainland on the northeast by the Sound of Mull.)

I am a muller. I mull. Often. Long. Perhaps, sometimes, too long.
I also am given to mus·ing (myzng)meaning (when used as an adjective)Deep in thought; contemplative.

I would like to think my mullings and musings (read: thoughts, my products of contemplation; could be described, as by James Atlas as "an elegant tapestry of quotations, musings, aphorisms, and autobiographical reflections".
I find the Atlas description as wonderful as a warm drink with spices and sweetening or an island in western Scotland but, alas, I expect my thought are more on the order of a doctored up cup of Joe or glass of cold milk (2%)!
They are not as tightly and carefully bound as the threads in a tapestry but I expect to use a goodly share of quotations and many an autobiographical reflection.

So...if the random thoughts of a former journalist/grandmother could interest you, (along with stories about and quotations from variousrelatives and friends)you are welcome to read them. If not, there is plenty of other reading out there, including one blog similarly named.
I was tempted to change the name of this blog once I realized it was not quite as unique as I'd hoped. Then I read those definitions we started with and decided I'm keeping the name. I like it.

post script

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