Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A girl who knows her own mind

My baby daughter has always known her own mind. Maybe it is because she is the baby. Maybe it is genetic. In any event, by the time she was a toddler, she had very clear preferences as to food and toys and fashion. Especially fashion.
By that I mean, it had to be stylish (by her standards) and it had to be comfortable (by any standard) or getting her to wear something that was not both was a battle. By the time I got to the third child, I was a bit battle weary and had learned to pick them more carefully. More often than not, I gave in to her about especially clothes.
My mother says I was much the same even from an early age, so that was part of it. Age, maturity and the aforementioned battle weariness (mine, not my daughter's) factored in also. The result, I am happy to report, is that she has a strong sense of fashion, is very independent in her thinking and overall makes very wise decisions.
Her choices as to friends and cars and activities and a career path have been decidedly sound.
The other thing is, her opinions are usually right and her observations spot on.
By the time she was two, her cousins and siblings had begun to call her "Little Miss Can't be Wrong" perhaps not always fondly. Still, the other children in the family recognized early that this baby of ours was strong willed but also had a good head on her shoulders.
Not much has changed about her in that regard.
These many years later she is still strong willed and opinionated. And she still knows her own mind.
Much better than I ever have.
And so it is with decisions and ideas and choices about her wedding plans. If she wants to get married  in the fall outside under a chandelier then so be it. I am not about to second guess her. Or quarrel with her.
Really, I am not.

All of this is back story for the statement I am about to make:

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