Friday, February 27, 2015

Her new digs

There are two cats and an African gray parrot living in my daughter's new digs.
Actually, the new digs are home to the animals and their mistress. My daughter is just living with them temporarily.
My daughter is renting a room and bath from this friend of a friend (mentor/law professor.)
She's not about to live alone, she was clear on that point. She is in her last semester of law school and her long time roommate is headed to residency status, likely in Michigan.
She's just started her first real permanent job and work and school together are a bit more than full time. She sits for the Bar Exam in July so she doesn't need much space. A very typical third child, she relishes company (just not too much.)
She loves animals. One of her childhood nicknames was "Ellie May" after the character on the Beverly Hillbillies who loved "critters."
She's always been a dog person. Her little canine is in residence at our house, much to the chagrine of the ancient maltipoos who live there permanently.
Living with a couple of felines and a bird will be a new experience; likely an interesting one.
She took the photo above of one of the cats, the shyest one, hiding in her closet.
The bird, whose name is "Jazzy" has already taken to mimicking her voice, much to her delight.
I'm thinking that if anything can ease her despair at leaving the little nest she shared with her BFF and relocating, it will be four legged and/or feathered creatures.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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