Thursday, July 2, 2015

Lunchtime and antiquing

Yesterday the Hub and Grandbaby came and took me to lunch. They had the day off but I did not. When we'd finished eating at the little diner down the street from my office, we walked to my favorite antique store in the whole world and looked around for a bit.

The grandbaby was thrilled to find a couple of photos of herself among the displays made from holiday family photos I've given the owner over time.

She also seemed to like books and hats better than almost anything else in the shop. I showed her a doll that I really thought she'd like. Her response was less than enthusiastic. She turns eight this month so I should not be surprised that her love for baby dolls is waning.

She did talk her granddad into buying her a shell covered treasure box. I walked away with nothing but memories of a really fun time with them. That and a strong wish I could leave with them for home where I am sure they had a fine summer nap.

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