Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Beach baby

The picture at the left basically suffices for a Mother's Day card for me this year.
My baby went back to the beach in South Padre Island, Texas with her former roommate and another friend who recently graduated with the old roomie from medical school.
It's been a year since my girl's own graduation school completion. Truth is she's been hard at work. I talk to her often late at night while she is doing trial prep or working on pleadings either at home or at her office.
The roller coaster ride that is the legal profession can take its toll so I understand her desire for a few days away, even if the time does coincide with Mother's Day.
I was impressed that my new son-in-law was willing for her to take a trip without him so soon after their wedding. My own spouse would not likely has been amenable to such a trip.
Padre is a special place to the girls who went on the trip. Their first jaunt was for college classmate's beach wedding. On that trip, their flight was bumped and they ended up with tickets that facilitated another trip to the same place on their next school break. Several others have followed.
On the one before this, they rescued a bichon maltese and brought him right to my house for the Hub and I to tend while pulling off a wedding in three months.
Her new hub was less amenable to another canine in their new home than we were in ours and soon after their wedding the dog was in a new home of its own, albeit a hand picked one.
If they brought a dog home this time, I don't know anything about it. Nor do I want to know. I have blogged before about the two dogs who rest near my feet as I write this that started out as hers.
The third of her lap dogs lives with her and the new hub and hasn't even been to visit since the wedding.
I can't believe I am saying this, but I miss her. She spent so many weeks during law school exams  and holidays that she became something of a fixture.
My baby posted on Facebook that she missed her husband, her dog and her bed (mostly in that order, she said)  while on her trip.
She didn't say a thing about her Mama.
I guess my baby is all  grown up.

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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Memorizing Scripture

When I was a child, memorizing came easy to me. In school, all the way through graduate school, I never struggled with memorization. Lately, though, whether because of age or distraction, I'm having some difficulty.
Right now I am working on memorizing Psalm 25. It's my favorite Psalm and has been for years. There are others I have memorized, but never this one.
Psalm 100, I learned as a vacation Bible School student. I can still recite it and recently I learned that my little sister, who learned it at the same time, can still recite it, also. The words contained in the twenty third Psalm have been a comfort to me on many occasions. I've committed many Bible verses to memory over time, hiding the Word in my heart, as we are commanded.
But now, not so easily, somehow.
I am encouraged by the fact that once I get something down, I rarely forget it.
I just pray that hasn't changed, too.
And so I press on...

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