Thursday, May 5, 2016

Memorizing Scripture

When I was a child, memorizing came easy to me. In school, all the way through graduate school, I never struggled with memorization. Lately, though, whether because of age or distraction, I'm having some difficulty.
Right now I am working on memorizing Psalm 25. It's my favorite Psalm and has been for years. There are others I have memorized, but never this one.
Psalm 100, I learned as a vacation Bible School student. I can still recite it and recently I learned that my little sister, who learned it at the same time, can still recite it, also. The words contained in the twenty third Psalm have been a comfort to me on many occasions. I've committed many Bible verses to memory over time, hiding the Word in my heart, as we are commanded.
But now, not so easily, somehow.
I am encouraged by the fact that once I get something down, I rarely forget it.
I just pray that hasn't changed, too.
And so I press on...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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