Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Sabbath nap

This girl dances several evenings a week. She takes tumbling.
If she is not in a dance studio or a gym, she is in school or at church or somewhere else, busy. She is busy all the time. There are sleepovers and birthday parties usually involving lots of activity... bowling, skating, jumping on a trampoline, scavenger hunts.
I am guilty of dragging her. To my mom's or one of my sister's houses to play with her cousins.
And I am bad about keeping her busy.
I save projects for the two of us to do together when she comes over.
If she and I are not working on one of those, she and her granddad are at the playground or he is swing her on her swing in the front yard. Or she is riding her bicycle.
No wonder, then, that she would crash in his big comfortable chair on a Sunday afternoon, practically in the middle of a conversation. I took her picture as she slept and she never knew it, so hard did she sleep.
When she woke up, she was right back at her busyness, all refreshed proving that Sabbath rest really is the best.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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