Friday, April 22, 2016

A Masterpiece

The grandbaby takes art from a gifted young woman who happens to be a long time friend of mine. The young students who take art at her studio make all manner of things under her tutelage. Some of them come home still creating masterpieces.
Take the one below, for instance.
That is my grandbaby's recent portrait of me. I love it. I am not sure why one of the lenses of my reading glasses is oval and the other somewhat octagonal or why she gave me such a long neck when I really don't have much of a neck at all, but I love everything about it. (maybe especially the long neck.)
I love portraits. She knows this.
I had hers done when we were in New Orleans this summer.
I admire anyone who, with their artist's eye and skill, can draw people.
To capture the likeness of a person is truly a gift, in my estimation.
And I have to say concerning the one here: I think she nailed it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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