Tuesday, September 27, 2016

if i loved her any more my heart would burst

that's the comment i left on this picture of my grandbaby when her mama posted it.

I mean it, too.
Since the first time I saw her, I've not gotten over the wonder of her.
She's getting so tall. She's such a little lady at certain times and such a tom boy at others.
She and her granddad went to town the other evening and came home with a new bicycle, which he lets her right down the next block and back.
At her age, I rode my own bike all over the little town where my grandparents lived but those were different times, weren't they?
Saturday night she attended her first ever school dance. She is in the fourth grade. I was unprepared for the idea of her going to a dance. She said someone told her she looked "stunning." I teased her about also being humble. Which she usually is, I have to admit.
I love that about her.
I love watching her grow up.
I just wish it weren't happening so fast.

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