Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Traditions, traditions...

My first born is the ensurer of traditions in the family. In her economy, anything done more than once, must be repeated thereafter. If it's fun. To her.
My own personality causes me to be drawn to repetition, pre-planning...
so I appreciate this about her.
This time of year is her favorite because it is rife with traditions. Our annual autumn schedule begins in earnest on the fourth Saturday of October with the Sorghum Festival. This year, the festival was the only good thing about us having to miss a family reunion in Natchez, Mississippi.

This year, we were all about the annual scarecrow making tradition. It was not until Halloween night that I realized we had not carved a single pumpkin though we did some intensive pumpkin decorating.
In October, we are all about caramel apple cider and candy corn.
We always take at least a day halloween costume selection and purchase or a weekend to  make them.
The first weekend in November, I go shopping for flower bulbs and other holiday essentials with a close friend. We go as soon as the Halloween things are cleared away and the Christmas goods are on the shelves.
We always take at least one long drive just to view the foliage. Amaryllis and paperwhites are planted to bloom for Christmas. The final touches are put onto whatever we make for the Indian Museum Bazaar, held the Friday before Thanksgiving.
The weekend after, the tree goes up and I go with my sisters for our Annual Christmas shopping trip.
Everything else that happens the months of October and November are scheduled, when possible, around those events.
It suits my personality, her need for order and both our birth order propensities!

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