Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Merida, my Merida

I am advised that my Grandbaby was in a foul mood this morning. It seems she does not think there should be school on Halloween. I've yet to find out exactly why she has taken this position but I know I want to hear the rationale straight from her.  Her logic amazes and amuses me. I can hardly wait to see her tonight. To talk to her...and to see her all decked out for trick-or-treating.
I've yet to see her in full costume. There was a parade costumes at her school last week. I did not get to attend but the pictures I've seen are darling.
 I am tickled that she ultimately settled on the first Disney/Pixar princess, Merida, from the movie "Brave." Her costume suits her. Her ginger coloring just goes with the wild red hair wig that goes with the costume. She did not carry a bow and arrows to school and likely won't tonight, though I intend to get pictures of her with those, too.

I am posting a photo here for you to see. i think she is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen...and a dead ringer for the heroine of "Brave."
My Merida

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