Tuesday, November 6, 2012

All Hallows Eve

My Merida got to trick-or-treat twice this year: once in the day time and once at night. An event on Main Street where we live was a big hit with kids and adults. It was fun seeing the costumes in daylight. There were some really fabulous ones. I very much like the Lego man, the wolfman, a really fabulous Elvis, among others. One little boy had on a costume that made it appear he was riding a chicken. Of course, my Merida was my favorite. She had gotten candy from most of the downtown merchants and was sitting on the curb eating it when I found her, her Mom, two grandpas and a a grandma in tow.  She'd pulled off the Merida wig by the time I saw her, too. The weather was quite pleasant but too warm for that wig, my Merida said.

My Merida ran into some of her cousins, a baby football, Joe Dirt, a sparkly mermaid and spiderman somewhere along the route.
Her sister danced with her dance company to "Thriller" as special entertainment for the event. I hope it becomes an annual event. It was lots of fun and besides, I have wanted to dress up as the bride of Frankenstein for sometime now...

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