Thursday, November 29, 2012

Early bird

I am not an early bird. I don't awaken early. I don't generally arrive early. I don't finish early, most of the time.
But this year, I got a jump on the holidays.
Case in point: yesterday, certain little elves delivered caramel turtle dessert apples that were assembled in careful stages and brightly wrapped before the December page was flipped over on our calendars.
My youngest nephew and I made wreaths for him to give his other maternal aunt, both of his grandmothers and his Mom. We also started decorations for him to give to his teachers and would have finished those had we not run out of supplies.

I have handmade tags finished and several things ready to wrap.
The two scrapbooks I blogged about early are now complete.
All this is so I can enjoy the time with my family at Christmas as much as I did Thanksgiving.
Less rushing, more savoring. That's my goal once again, beyond just November, since it worked out so well.
Here is what I am considering:

  • decorating in stages instead of all in one day or one weekend.
  • including more of the people I love in activities I usually tackle solo. The drudgery will of some of it will be better with company and the help will be nice.
  • making sure I have Christmas music playing as I/we work, unless coversation is preferred over carols.
  • doing as little last minute as is possible. I've already gotten a start on that.
Just the thought if it makes me happy.
 I am liking this early bird thing.

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