Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I was solicited to make some baked item for a museum bazaar next week. I poured over cookbooks and searched Pinterest for something unusual but delicious, with historical value. It was a high order.
Finally, I have settled upon something I hope will go over well.
Sorghum is a signature item in these parts. The fall festival is called "Sorghum Days." There are always horses or mules harnassed and walking round and round making sorghum molasses the old fashioned way.
I always buy sorghum at the festival. As I stared into the pantry thinking about what would be appropriate a jar of sorghum caught my eye.

  I found a reciped for sorghum molasses tea cakes. I put my own spin on them and even named them.
I am so pleased with the result. It's been a while since I experimented in the kitchen. Sometimes when I do, the results are mixed. Sometimes there are terrible. This time, they were good.
Whether anyone else likes my sorghum tea cakes remains to be seen. But I am happy about them!

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