Thursday, November 29, 2012

Bliss week

As I write this, I am over half way through one of my favorite weeks of the year. I have decided to call it bliss week, since that is what it is for me.
I am savoring the last little bit of fall before Christmas is officially declared at my house.
I once rushed to put the tree up the week after Thanksgiving. It tended to create a sense of havoc and rush that was not a fitting end to such a sweet time with my family.
These days, we nibble left overs and watch/rewatch recorded portions of the National Dog Show and Macy's parade, old and new movies together.
This year, our favorite high school team has made it to the playoffs so we attended a pep rally and a tail gate gathering before the big game. We did just a smidge of Black Friday shopping. We discussed plans for Christmas.It was all, well, blissful, as is this week.
I am still catching up on the laundry and emails and clutter that accumulated while we were feasting and ballgaming and ballgame watching and shopping. I am not rushing to get those done, either. I am just enjoying bliss week.

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