Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My scrapbook helper

One of the reasons I am loving to scrap is because it is something I can do with my Grandbaby.
I don't like to scrapbook alone. It seems to me to be a social endeavor. I have a group of friend, as I have blogged previously, who I scrapbook with from time to time.
Lately, the time to tie has not been enough as I have several projects half way to three quarters complete. Since cutting, pasting, drawing, writing are among the Grandbaby's favorite things to do, I have enlisted her help.
 She spent the summer working  on a scrapbook of her own. It is a darling little book that she has picked out the illustrations for, drawn the pictures in, done the lettering, etc.
This fall, shehas also been helping me select embellishments for the pages I am working on for scrapbooks I intend to give for Christmas gifts. That makes the endeavor fun for the both of us and lets me accomplish some of what I need to complete for the holidays while enjoying her.
I mentioned to my husband that she is doing so well as my little scrapbook helper that this year we could make our own Christmas cards. He didn't say what I know he was thinking..."there she is making a hobby work again!"
I'll let you know how it goes...

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