Wednesday, September 17, 2014

a proud day

I became aware that today was to be a proud day for me before I was fully awake this morning. A friend who rises early sent me a snapshot of an editorial in the mornings paper. In the single picture with the article my baby girl is pictured hugging her first "client." The story of the client is remarkable. She is not really the client of my baby, rather of a whole team of extraordinary folk. And she is more like a friend, these days, family even, than anything else.

I know for myself that when one travels a long, hard and emotional road with you, a relationship forms, whether we intend it to or expect it to, or not. That's what happened here.

My daughter signed on to what she initially called a project via a law school professor's request. The project became a case as she described it, but not for long. The case was about a person who soon figured prominently in the thoughts and daily activities of the baby daughter.

A one year roller coaster ride for the law student and her mentors ended on a high note a woman wrongfully convicted of killing her child was exonerated. The text of the editorial tells more of the story better than I possibly can. What I can say here is that I am exceedingly proud of my baby and loved waking up this morning to more good news.

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