Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Wedding planning

The picture above was taken by my baby daughter of her niece, my grandbaby, who will be a flower girl in her auntie's wedding a year from now. We have a while to plan and for that I am thankful. To take the time to savor and enjoy the planning of it all is something I do not take for granted.
You see, there is an 18 year gap in girls in the family.
From the birth of the bride-to-be in 1989 until the birth of the flower girl-to-be, there is a long lull in female births for us. That means this wedding will be the last for us until the little bridal magazine reader or one of her younger cousins say "I do" sometime way into the future.
The picture of her looking at wedding dresses in her aunt's "Bridal Guide" indicates how serious she is studying on all of this. Truth be told, we all are.

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