Sunday, August 31, 2014

Madly scrapping (scrap booking like mad)

There's a lot to scrap about in the fall. And that's coming from someone who scraps about everything.
My schedule has been particularly hectic of late and I've fallen behind. Contemplating the upcoming events of autumn, followed as they are, swiftly by the holidays, I decided I had some serious catching up to do lest I get so far behind I never catch up.
Our scrapbooks have become dear to me, I hope the books I make for family and friends become dear to them so I am determined to stay at it, however busy I might be. Like this blog, it takes no small effort for me to keep up .
That's why last weekend you could have found me scrapbooking like mad. By that, I mean, I was madly scrapbooking. It was fantastic. The results weren't bad either, if I do say so myself.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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