Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Miss Isenhower

A sweet little friend of ours will be teaching second grade this year.
Her classroom is all set up. She has lessons planned in her head and I am sure, knowing her, on paper.
She loves children. Is highly organized. She's creative. Smart. I already mentioned, sweet.
I wanted to do something to commemorate this time in her life.
A smash book seemed the perfect way to do that.
Not that I was anxious to do yet another one.
Actually, I was.
My grandbaby starts second grade this year but alas, at a different school. Pity that, because I would love for our Miss Isenhower to be her teacher. Making smash books for the two of them in tandem was fun since Grade 2 times two: albeit one for a teacher and one for a student just flowed easily.
The result of the teacher version is pictured below. She seemed as thrilled with it as I hoped she'd be. My hope now is that she have lots of good memories of her first year as a teacher to fill the book with.

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