Monday, August 4, 2014

I pinned one too many pumpkins

The wedding is in September. Not next month. September of next year
September 26, 2015, in fact, is the date set by the betrothed.
I love the idea of an autumn wedding.
When I mentioned this to my daughter, back before the date was set, she just kind of smiled as I spoke of pumpkins and boughs of leaves. Truth be told, I was thinking October or November. at the time.
I started pinning, of course, fall wedding things. I sent her some by email. Messaged some to her. I uploaded and downloaded. I practically had the whole thing planned.
Or so I thought.
Silly me.
My baby daughter has always known her own mind. I would not expect her wedding plans to be any different from anything else she sets about.
There will be no pumpkins, saith she.
At least not orange ones.
She might let me have one (1) and only one, white one. Somewhere in the mix. Maybe. If I am good, that is. That means if I smile and nod to myself and keep my opinions to myself.
I am harkened back to her high school years when I sat on the floor in loud, dark clothing stores and rehung the garments she did not like. At some point I thought she brought me along because she wanted to hear my opinion(s). I was wrong.
She wanted my company, I think. This is good. She had such strong opinions of her own, she did not need mine.
And so it is today.
I am determined to be good company on this journey we agree should be a happy adventure.
I will let you know how that works out.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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