Saturday, August 30, 2014

About some spiders

We've been watching a pair of spiders spin intricate webs outside the tall windows of the breakfast room at our house for a while now. It has been fascinating.
For a while, the webs resembled smocking. I joked that they must be grandmother spiders with grandbabies young enough and cool enough to wear smocked things.
As time has passed, their work has gotten more detailed and interesting. Now, I am not a fan of spiders. At all. Whatsoever.
I can't say that I've ever really watched them before. Not even on tv or at the movies. In the third Lord of the Rings movie "Return of the King" I could not bear to watch the attack upon the character Frodo by the giant spider Shelob. So that I would spend long hours watching real spiders in real time right outside my window is strange. Yet here I am, standing transfixed...

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