Saturday, August 16, 2014


My husband inherited his grandmother's Wahoo board. 
Wahoo, for those who don't know, is a marble game. It is a game of strategy and chance. 
The Hub was thrilled the board came to him since so many happy memories are attached to it.
We played at least one game of Wahoo with her every time we visited. 
Over the years, that board has been the source of no small amount of amusement to friends and family.
These days, it is the source of much fun for the Grandbaby.
There are some interesting things that came to my mind as we played the most recent game on that board.
Its original owner was called "Eee." That is because her first grandchild had difficulty saying his "L's" when he first began to speak. When he tried to say "Grandma Lee" it came out "Grandma Eee" and eventually he and everyone else called her Eee. My grandbaby is called "EE." How that came to be, I am not quite sure. The two "E's" are for Emma Elizabeth, her first and middle names. Together they are quite a mouthful and obviously someone decided to shorten them to a nickname but I cannot recall who it was. 
That similarity struck me even as I was stricken by just how much the grandbaby loves to play Wahoo. Just like her great-great grandmother. 
One other similarity. The grandbaby also loves to win, just like her forebearer.
And I mean, a lot.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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