Friday, August 22, 2014

Dog lover

Last weekend, while the Grandbaby was over to visit, she reminded her Grandad that he had promised to take her to pick out a price. It was as a reward for something she'd done well. I don't recall the basis for the reward and that's not the subject of this blog post, anyway.
What I am relaying here is the fact that she did not buy a toy or a game or a movie. She did not even pick out clothes for herself. Rather, she picked out an outfit for one of our dogs.
I have written before about her canine playmates and how she loves them. She loves to bathe then and brush them. And yes, she loves to dress them.
In her book, I suppose, they are not alot different from her baby dolls or Barbie dolls. She coordinates their outfits with bows and other accessories.
The necklace/collar in the photo below is one she made using her snap bead kit to go with the new dress she picked out.
Likely I would think this more odd if my baby daughter, who is 25 and in graduate school did not dress up her own dog like something off of "Legally Blonde." This has to be where the grandbaby learned it. I am categorically opposed to clothing on pets. Unless one of my darlings is involved, that is...

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