Thursday, December 10, 2015

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015

The baby

We gave her the name of my beloved great Grandmother : a godly woman and a force to be reckoned with. I sort of hoped that she would bear those same traits. Little did I know.

Yes, I do realize she is 26 years old. I was there.
The third of my children, coming well after a sister who has struggled since birth with the challenges wrought via Prader-Willi syndrome.
And after a brother who was a hand full even befor he was born.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Friday, September 4, 2015

Saturday, August 29, 2015


This is emma ok so last night I went to a carnival

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I Spy

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Friday, August 28, 2015

A mean jelly fish

In the photo above, my Grandbaby finally is asleep after a very grueling evening. It started out very nicely. We went for a walk on the beach after dinner to enjoy the sunset and look for shells. Alas, a close encounter with a very mean jellyfish sent me running for vinegar and her to the urgent care clinic.
She got the worst of it. The Hub actually had the scrape the mean stinger off her arm with the room key. She had a fitful night's sleep but just to prove what a trooper she is, check out the smile in the photo below.

As I write this, some two weeks later, the damage has not yet fully healed. Look close and you can see what her injuries looked like when they were new. She was ready to leave the beach behind and head to New Orleans immediately upon waking that next morning. And so we did...

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One of my favorite memories of summer is the day the Hub brought the Grandbaby over for lunch. They both had the day off. I did not.
I only had an hour to play with them but we made the most of it. We went to the antique store across the street from my work. There we explored the many fun and unusual objects on display.
In one display, the Grandbaby found pictures of herself and was delighted.

The pix once hung on a vintage clothesline display of Christmas cards. After the holidays passed, they were moved to another spot in the store where I hoped she would spy them and be as tickled as I was when I first saw them there. She was.

There is a baby doll in the store that I've been looking at for a while. I showed it to her to see if she would want it: doll lover that she is. She said no thank you. It is nice but I have enough dolls. Alas, we moved on.

She loved looking at the old children's books and sat a spell to read from some of them. She was also pleased to find any number of roosters, as that is her nickname.

It was a lovely hour. We need to have more of those unscheduled times where we have no agenda or requirement... at least for a time.

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

And reminiscing

So here we are, my darling and me. On the beach. This is just before we went rompling at the water's edge, looking for shells and ended up stung by jellyfish. We really were having a good time until we weren't.
The whole ordeal has sort of soured her on the beach. She said next year she wants us to take her to the mountains.
For me, having twice visited the sugar beaches of Alabama and Florida with various members of my family this summer, I find myself more in love with time there than ever.
Now if I can just bring my grandbaby back around...


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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

New favorite thing

At the scrapbook conference/convention that my friend and I went to last weekend there were several  vendors and workshops for diy charms. It looked so easy and fun we attended one of them.
Turns out, it was.
I made the charm above at the conference under the tutelage of an instructor. The one below, I made all by myself using a picture of my granddog. I am pleased with how both turned out. In tribute thereto, I have proclaimed these charms to be my "new favorite thing."

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