Friday, August 28, 2015

A mean jelly fish

In the photo above, my Grandbaby finally is asleep after a very grueling evening. It started out very nicely. We went for a walk on the beach after dinner to enjoy the sunset and look for shells. Alas, a close encounter with a very mean jellyfish sent me running for vinegar and her to the urgent care clinic.
She got the worst of it. The Hub actually had the scrape the mean stinger off her arm with the room key. She had a fitful night's sleep but just to prove what a trooper she is, check out the smile in the photo below.

As I write this, some two weeks later, the damage has not yet fully healed. Look close and you can see what her injuries looked like when they were new. She was ready to leave the beach behind and head to New Orleans immediately upon waking that next morning. And so we did...

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