Thursday, August 20, 2015

Travel tent

This little girl was so good on vacation I can scarcely believe it. There was a time when she was not so good a car rider.
We logged many a mile driving from Oklahoma to Shreveport then Baton Rouge then Gulf Shores, Alabama. We went to New Orleans and then back to Baton Rouge and back through Bossier City to visit family before returning home.
She occupied herself much of the time, with games and movies. She also did some writing,  journaling our trip, listened to the music on our vacay playlist and engaged in much conversation.
She built herself a fort from beach towels, much the way my sisters and I did with blankets and sofa cushions at our grandparents' house.
I still recall how much fun it was for the three of us to play in our blanket fort. The Grandbaby played in her own alone and was quite content to do so. It surely made the trip more pleasant than some we've taken.
She's growing up so fast it almost makes me sad. This part of her maturity, though, makes me very happy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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