Monday, January 12, 2015

A rare sighting

Bird watching has been a something both the Hub and I have enjoyed since childhood. My grandparents lived at the edge of a thickly wooded area that sloped down to reveal a tree line where birds loved to nest and roost and light.
The Hub was a boy scout and loves the out of doors, so his interest came more naturally.
Years ago, when our children were young, we took them to St. Francisville, Louisiana to Oakley. It was there, in the woods surrounding the house, that John James Audubon did the first of his famous Birds of America.
From there, we went on down the Mississippi to New Orleans, just as Audubon did. We went to the Aquarium of the Americas and the zoo that bears Audubon's name. We bought our own copy of the book he is best known for in these environs.
We also bought a copy of a bird watching book. We logged the first entries in the book on that very trip. We logged the most recent one this weekend.
The Hub a

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