Friday, January 16, 2015

It was just the other day

Just the other day, I had a grandbaby. A beautiful grandgirl. I became a grandmother. My mother became a great-grandmother. I am certain it was just the other day.
How then, can the little girl pictured here be that self same little girl?
The Hub (her beloved "Granddad") and I took her to dinner last night at our favorite Italian restaurant between tumbling and dance classes. With her busy schedule, we take time with her whenever we can get it. Fortunately, she lives close by and because her Mom is generous enough to share her with us pretty often, we get a lot of time with her\
I should have noticed, then, how very much like a baby she has become. She's in the second grade now. She reads "chapter books" and is old enough to sit in the front seat now. She has lost more of her baby teeth than I can count. Still, last night, when I looked at her walking across the parking lot, she seemed like such a big girl that I convinced her to stop and let me take her picture.
I wanted to freeze this moment in time because if the next seven years go as fast as the past seven, I likely be looking up at her.
I will also probably be vowing and declaring, "it was just the other day..."

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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