Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Alcove village

The village pictured here are part of a Hallmark classic books "Sarah Plain and Tall" collection offered many Christmases ago. I got them at the urging of my oldest daughter who, at that time,  loved the all those stories.
I've used them on the dining room table over the years and on the mantle. I've used them in the living room and entry. This year though, I put them in an alcove between the kitchen and the sunroom where they are readily seen and enjoyed.
The Christmas tree we cut last year was much too tall for even the tall ceiling of our den and the Hub ended up cutting several pieces of the trunk that we ultimately used on the cocoa bar for our daughter's New Year's Day wedding.
As I was pulling out decorations for this holiday season, there they were. I used them to create the idea of the little Hallmark houses being part of a mountain village. I hung branches, just a bit of greenery and a handful of snowflakes.
When my daughter arrives for Christmas in a couple of days, I hope she will be happy to see these faithful pieces used in a new place and a new way.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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