Monday, December 19, 2016

Big Tom

The Hub aka Big Tom, took some of his accumulated vacation days to help get ready for Christmas this week. What a guy!
This fall has been more than a little rough on him, health-wise. A health emergency has left him struggling some days (though the cardiac rehab and pt/ot has been very helpful.) His attitude is just remarkable.
We joked about white lights and near death experiences as my family seems to survive such times as these via humor. His bravery and determination are no laughing matter, though. He is seriously  thankful to have survived a life-threatening crisis and it shows.
Last night we watched "It's a A Wonderful Life" and organized gifts to wrap for our children. The preciousness of life that is the theme of this time honored movie was not lost on him this year. Nor I.
I would appreciate him running errands for the family any time. He's always been a champ at that. But this year, this Christmas season, I am extra, extra grateful for him and for his willingness to put up lights and stand in line at the post office, despite any difficulty or frustration he encounters.
You can tell him I said so!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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