Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Talking about the weather, again.

Here I am, talking about the weather again. But I can't help myself. It is too perfect today for me not to comment. A cool, gentle breeze greeted me this morning as I walked out the door on my way to work.
It is almost mid June and I can count the really hot days thus far this year on one hand. Last summer baked the yard, the trees, us.
Yesterday was one of them. It was hot and humid. So much so, that if I had smelled gumbo cooking I would have thought I was in New Orleans.
I am not sure what to attribute the fine weather to and instead of trying to figure it out, I am just enjoying it. The politicians and scientists can spend today making predictions and pontificating.
I am thinking about a nice bike ride this evening. Or maybe I will do some yard work. Or maybe I will do both. Or maybe, I will just sit outside and enjoy this weather!

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