Monday, August 6, 2012

my darling

Today my little granddaugher Emma, who is just a few days past her fifth birthday started to kindergarten. Mimi, her other grandmother, and I took Emma and her big sister to school.
 Mimi was drafted because the girls' mom had something at work she really didn't need to miss. I volunteered (read: asked to go along) as I had arranged to take the day off to be at the hospital when my new grandnephew was born.
Abbey, the big sister, who is now officially an eighth grader, wanted to be dropped off first. Emma then asked to be dropped off in front of her school like her sister. Mimi and I were having none of that. She was escorted in to her first day by two doting grandmothers. She marched right into her classroom to be greeted by her teacher (who she met at open house just last night) without waving or saying goodbye.
"We didn't even get a kiss," Mimi lamented.  I am not sure what I said in response as I had a big ole lump in my throat. We went to breakfast at the old bus station in town which is now a cafe. We texted the pictures of the girls we took to their mom was we waiting for our food.
I really enjoyed myself, but still, all day, I've had this overwhelming urge to cry. And i think I know why...

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