Friday, August 10, 2012

Pierce Michael Hays

I have a dandy new grandnephew. Pierce Michael Hays was born the day before yesterday.
His Gogo, the subject of an earlier blog post or two, has declared herself to be "absolutely in love."
He appears to have the combined good looks of his parents and his older brother, who is four.
Pierce was actually due today, his mother was scheduled to have a casearean section at 5 p.m. today. Everyone made plans around the big event but this new baby of ours, like many of his cousins, arrived when he was ready and not according to anyone else's schedule.  Quite a crowd of us were there to witness his arrival.
All three of his handsome maternal uncles were there. One of them would not have been able to come if things had gone as planned. A high school senior who is quarter backing at a scrimmage this very night was able to be there when he became an uncle since Pierce timed his own arrival.
That his middle name is for his materal grandfather was supposed to be a surprise but wasn' guess is that Pierce's youngster uncle let the cat out of the bag.
Two of baby Pierce's great grandmothers were in attendance. A great, great aunt on his mother's side was there. Pierce's grandma Cathy was wearing one of the biggest smiles I've seen lately. SHe and Gogo will be helping out at Pierce's houses for the next few days and then the great grandma's will take over.
I am planned a coup, though, even as I write this.  The baby's other great aunt and I will be claiming our fair share of baby love very  soon...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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