Friday, August 31, 2012

Labor Day weekend project(s)

I typically spend Labor Day weekend organizing (at least in my mind) projects for the fall. Some times I have even begun projects. On rare occasions I have finished a project during the last long weekend of the summer.
I am not sure where Monday evening will find me but in the time between quitting time today and starting time on Tuesday, I intend at least to get a good start on a couple of projects.
Admittedly, this is because I have others dependent upon me. I seem to work best under pressure.
A few weeks ago and at about the same time,  a nephew and my mother both mentioned family recipe books. I like the ideas pitched to me and agreed it would be fun. I have done nothing further.
This weekend, that should change. If I get nothing else done, I intent to sort through old recipes and get us started toward the common goal. I also intend to email various relatives to solicit recipes.
I am determined to do this...

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