Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A perfectly perfect pet

My sister commented, during our outdoor tea party at cousins camp this weekend, on how well behaved the Hub's pretty blonde lab was. The yard, after all, is her domain. Kind of.
We've had such extreme weather of late that she's spent a good deal of time indoors. Neither I nor the baby daughter nor the grandbaby can stand to have her look at us with her big ole sad eyes their the back door and not admit her over the protests of the Hub.
He was going to make a duck dog out of her. Instead, she is the perpetual playmate of the grandbaby, her friends and cousins. She will allow snap barrettes to be clipped onto her ears and not infrequently, to be ridden like a small pony. She's about the size of one.
She has a deep, serious bark but that's about as deep and serious as she gets. She's still not gotten over having an extra large litter of extra large puppies. She still gives to the hip that has ailed her since she carried that load.
She still lounges upon the bench under a big tree in the backyard, when she is not in the house of scratching her back on the fence or begging with her eyes at the back door to come in.
And yes, she is fairly well behaved.
And no, she will not likely ever make a duck dog.
She is too timid and too much a pet. But for out purposes, she is a pretty perfect one.

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