Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Grown up shopping

This is what my Facebook status message said yesterday:
"Today is kind of a big day for me rite of passage wise!
I'm going shopping with my daughter in non-loud music stores!"
Regarding my excitement I should  explain that I have spent way too much in small shops with loud music and long lines. That my daughter now prefers More subdued shops and shopping makes me very happy.
I will admit that Talbot's, Brooks Brothers are still pretty much too stodgy for her tastes. I am still  the only one of us who likes places where one hears the likes of Ella Fitzgerald.
But I can take Florence and the Machine and Adele all day long over what we used to hear while we shopped for her clothes.
Now here's a bigger surprise: we actually agreed on many of the things she ended up with. Some of them, I picked out for her and took to her in the dressing room. This was a thing unheard of not so long ago.
She ended up with everything she had on her list for school and work but a bag for her books and computer. At one point, as we looked into a case of watches, I asked "do you like the tortoise shell or mother-of-pearl finishes?"
When she said, "Both!" I had just one response. "Me, too!"
We agreed on many things. Most things, even. Right down to the shoes she bought.

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