Sunday, September 15, 2013

finding fun

The setting: a local restaurant
The characters: Me, the Hub, the Grandbaby
The problem: food taking too long
The solution: an orange(!)

"I am so hungry" she said. A full day of first grade followed by dance class would make a six year old tired and hungry. I began looking around for something to make the wait a little easier for all of us. When I remembered an orange in my purse, intended for a snack that day but never eaten, I quickly found it to be just the thing! The Hub (aka Gwandad) said "let's see if I can peel this for you all in one peeling." And he did.
Anticipation/diversion? check!
She ate a piece or two and then, obviously rejuvenated, began to use the intended source of nutrition for further diversion/distraction source of entertainment.
Now I know the old adage about playing with your food. I've hurt it from my Mama (aka Granny) about a million times.  But in this case it was necessary. It was also terribly funny. That I took photos means I needed a little entertainment and distraction at that point myself!
At the top of my shopping list this week: oranges!


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