Thursday, September 5, 2013

summer days

It's over. Officially. Completely. By most every account, Summer 2013 is a thing of the past.
I have enjoyed it. Some things in particular. Namely:
  • watermelon
  • sliced tomatoes
  • cherries
  • cucumbers marinating in a mason jar
  • lullaby cicadas
  •  vacation
  • family reunions
Those things help sum up what I love about summer.

Just as those things that meant summertime to me as a child, are still fondly recollected.
  • Camping out on the Fourth of July at the Baron Fork of the Illinois River with my paternal grandparents .
  • Going to Marble Falls, Texas from my maternal grandparents lake house in Kingston to see the Rattle Snakes in the window of a hardware store.
  • water skiing at the lake to three dog night music
  • taking turns sitting on  a towel placed atop an old school ice cream freezer while Daddy cranked the handle.
  • lighting sparklers and black cats, lady fingers and smelly "snakes"
  • perpetual barefeet except when wearing flip flops
The and now:
  • I love watching lightening bugs,
  • the sound of kids pulled behind a boat on a tube
  • bug vine on the fence and day lilies along the fence row
  • time in the garden (though nowadays its my little bitty kitchen garden rather than my grandparent's huge vegetable garden or my grandmother's flower garden.

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