Friday, September 13, 2013


I attended one half of one football game last Saturday.
 It was hot. I made it to halftime.
The Hub, most of my family and many of my friends are several games up on me.
I don't care as much as I should.
I am not the football fanatic some of them are to start with.
I gave away a ticket to a game between my alma mater and a team from a town where I lived for many years. One of the players for the visiting team is a close family friend. I was invited to tailgate and politely declined.
Tonight, my first grader grandbaby cheers pregame at the local high school game and her sister, who is a freshman dances at half time. I cannot bow out. I don't want to. But it is hot.
As I get older the heat is harder for me to handle.
Unlike the other games my family and friends I did not attend this one is not optional.
I must endure, this time, beyond the first half.
I'll let you know how it goes.

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