Wednesday, September 11, 2013


When  were newly married  the Hub bought a puppy for me. Everyone else in his family had a poodle and it seemed to be the thing to do.
He likely thought to stave off babyitis, which was necessary as we were still in school.
The puppy came via a flyer posted at the groomer where one day when it fell to us to pick up the other family poodles.
She was a cute little thing. Well pedigreed, somewhat neurotic. We named her Cadeau.
We lived, at that time, in a four room cottage owned by the Hub's grandmother. The house had formerly been used as rental property. Our friends dubbed it "the love cottage."
We were happy with her and she with us, at least initially.  Then she outgrew us. The love cottage was too small and our lives to busy for her personality.
She eventually went to live with some relatives in the country who'd kept her for us when we'd gone out of town a few times. They'd grown to love her and she them and their lives were more conducive to her happiness.
I am almost ashamed to admit that I didn't really miss her much after she'd gone. She had become so miserable that we were miserable for and with her.
And so goes the story of the first pet shared by the Hub and I.
It would be years before there was another.

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