Monday, April 28, 2014

New friend

We went to my Mom's yesterday for lunch. Usually when we do, there are cousins near  my grandbaby's age for her to play with. Yesterday, there was not. Either because she found the adult company lacking  or because it was so nice outside (or both) she ventured out into the backyard. There she found a baby bunny.
She ran back inside so excited that we all gathered 'round to see. The little thing did not seem all that scared of her or bothered by the noise we made. Mother said they'd seen a little rabbit in the yard before.
The grandbaby determined that she should share some of the carrots from her lunch with the rabbit. She was able to get very close to him before he hopped away. He no more than disappeared into the lattice work under the shed until she was poking the carrots through for him to enjoy.
She claims she saw a whole nest of them when she peeked through to serve that carrot dinner. My mother/her granny decided that maybe "rabbit" they'd seen previously was one of any number. Certainly there were carrots enough for a whole family of them. And the grandbaby surely must be able to see there through the dark under the shed... given that she eats carrots, too. At least when there are not rabbit friends to feed them to!

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