Wednesday, April 30, 2014

baby (doll) love

My girls loved their baby dolls. they always have. In the bedroom we call the nursery, some of their favorites sit on a baker's rack, where they can be seen often.They span the ages and interests of the girls. Some of them are more time and play worn than others.
Someday, the grandbaby's favorite doll might join the dolls on the shelves in the nursery. For now, it stays in her arms a lot of the time or in a carrier or a stroller or a doll bed. That she is six and a half and still loves to play with her "best baby" makes me very happy. She has a number of dolls, but this one pictured here with her, is far and away her favorite. It was a gift from me and the Hub/her granddad. We bought it before she was born and took it to the hospital with us to gift her on her natal day.
She whispered to me the other day that she wants a new doll buggy for her birthday in July, when she will be seven.
Again, that makes me seriously happy!

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