Wednesday, April 2, 2014

that dress

One of the things we went to Tulsa for on Saturday was to try a certain white eyelet dress with capped sleeves on the Grandbaby. I had seen the dress when my Baby daughter and I were shopping for Easter while she was home on Spring. i intended to order it online but then thought better of it and decided that I was cutting it a bit close if she was to wear it for Easter.
If the size or still did not work, we could find ourselves in a bind. I do not like to find ourselves in a bind. Hence the trip to pick it (among other things) up.
We walked into the store to do just that. Immediately, the Grandbaby spies another frock hanging on a rack near the one I'd picked out. She wanted to try them both on. When she did, it turned out that her choice was much better than mine. The little dress she selected suited her coloring and was of the "swirly" style she loves so much.
Needless to say, we got the dress she wanted. And the matching hair bow.  She wanted to wear it out of the store and the sales clerk cut off the tags once we'd checked out and folded the little things she'd worn into the store and bagged them for her.
As she was doing so, the sales clerk told us she had been debating which dress to purchase for her own granddaughter and the question was now settled. She was going with the same one you see pictured above.
She got compliments every where we went the rest of the day. At every stop, in every shop, she drew admirers. When we went to dinner, it was the same. After dinner, we took a walk along the Arkansas River. There I snapped the pictures in the collage above.
Her auntie snapped one, too. She was swirling and twirling. One can almost hear the laughter, even in black and white (the tone used for what became said auntie's cover photo.)
What we did not take pictures of  (sadly) was a spirited game of "Mother May I" we played at her insistence . The auntie/baby daughter's roommate and a friend who was visiting them, along with the Hub and I all participated. Again. she drew a crowd. This time, it was made up of people waiting for tables at a busy restaurant on a Saturday evening.
I just hope none of them took pictures.

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