Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Uncle Marvin's hat

My sisters are going to be mad when they learn I posted this pic. I posted it, not to make them mad, but to show the truth in my recent statement that any time I get a chance, I wear a hat.
That's me in the middle. The hat I am wearing belongs to my Uncle Marvin. 
Here's how I came to be wearing it in the pic.
We met my mom and her siblings for dinner recently when they all came to town for a visit.  When I sat down, I almost put my feet on Uncle Marvin's hat as he had placed it under his chair, him being a gentleman and all.
My Uncle Marvin would never wear his hat at the table, though he does tip his hat to ladies, especially elderly ones. I have this on good authority.
I digress.
I picked Uncle Marvin's hat up so as not to crush it with my feet. He would have placed it elsewhere but I popped it onto my head and kept it safe for the entire meal. My Aunt Pat, who bought Uncle Marvin the hat for Christmas took this photo of my sisters and I just as we were finished our dinner and were preparing to leave.
You'll be happy to know I did not leave with Uncle Marvin's hat. Though I like it very much, it isn't mine and I would not keep. I wouldn't much mind having one like it someday.
Two other things I want to add here: that's my grandniece Lilliann (who we call Buttons) on her Aunt Johnna's lap. We like her a lot.
Also. We like our Uncle Marvin a lot, too. We also like Aunt Pat. Aunt Willa. Uncle Jerry. Aunt Claudine and Uncle Buddy. A lot.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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