Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Fisher women

These beauties are my baby daughter and my grandbaby. Notice they are wearing hats. They like hats almost as much as I do. I took this while they were fishing last Sunday afternoon.
I didn't fish, rather I laid on the dock and read while they did.
Nothing of any size or import was caught but we did make some good memories and have a good time.
My sisters and I loved to go fishing with our Dad back in the day. He had three daughters who were tomboy enough to hunt and fish with him. We actively participated in whatever activity he was involved in, whenever there was time and opportunity.
We fished because we liked being with him.
Why these girls fish, seems to be for an altogether different reason, albeit a simple one.
It seems they like to fish.
On Sunday, they both chose it over any number of other things they could have done.

Since they had each other there, they cared little whether I fished with them or not. Besides, the Hub was there along with baby daughter's beau. The guys, too, were trying to catch dinner.
I was there for the scenery and the company. Some things don't change.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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