Saturday, May 16, 2015

Just that kind if a day

This is what Saturday looked like at my house. At least part of Saturday.
It was just that kind of day.
A nap was actually the Grandbaby's idea. She came over to spend the day with us mid-morning.
The weather made it an inside kind of day. She quickly became bored with the projects I'd saved to do with her. She and her granddad piled up in his chair to watch some television. Not long after, I heard her suggest they turn off the tv and take a nap.
That's what happened.
They took a long, Saturday nap.
It looks good on them, doesn't it?!
In fact, the whole thing looked so appealing to me, that right after taking this photo, I took a nap, too.
I'm hoping no one took a photo...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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