Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Oklahoma Crude

I am going to start this post by saying that my brother-in-law, who we call "Kelbo" is one of the funniest people I know. His unique observations and opinions are the stuff that could be:
punch lines
phrases printed on tee shirts
or coffee mugs
ad slogans
Once, at a class reunion, he was taking to a classmate who began to laugh so hard he passed out, hit the floor and had to be taken to the hospital. Afterwards, my baby daughter suggested that we  draft disclaimers for folks to sign before they  conversed with her uncle, which would include an acknowledgement that they had been advised of and understood the risk. It would further hold both her uncle and the family at large,, harmless from injuries sustained while laughing with or at him.
He's just that funny.
Sometimes he means to be.
Sometimes he does not.
Both times, he is.
All of the time, he is.
So much so, that my nephew (son of the funny guy) who fairly recently graduated college and went to work with his dad, has suggested he might write a pilot for some sort of reality tv show.
 His instincts (we are talking about the nephew here) are, as usual, spot on.
See, those Kardashians have nothing on my brother in law.
The nephew (would be screenwriter) even has a clever and appropriate name of his sit come. It is the same as the title of this blog: Oklahoma Crude.
The first part, understandably, is locational.
The second part is partly because my brother-in-law can sometimes be crude. But it is also because he works in the oil business.
The day to day operations of his business are the stuff legends are made of. Take an incident last week, for example. We've had record level rainfall this spring and one of his wells was so surrounded by water that driving in to check it was impossible. Not to be deterred, the brother-in-law announces he will just go to the lake and get a jet ski. I have been begging for footage for days now. If it is available, I will most assuredly post it here.
The Hub and I love to watch "Swamp People" and "Alaska: the Final Frontier" but neither of those have any funnier character than our Kelbo, When he means to be and when he does not; he's just funny.
My nephew needs to get busy on that pilot.

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