Thursday, May 14, 2015

This guy

...turned 55 yesterday. This is the tbt/happy birthday picture i posted to mark yet another anniversary of his natal day.
He is a math guy. You know the kind, those ones who talk quantum physics and such as that while others are discussing diets and hairstyles and movies. I don't mean to say that he doesn't like a good movie, for he surely does.
Maybe I just find hid interest in numbers interested because I so decidedly do not.
Our granddaughter is showing every sign of following his inclination toward numbers rather than my disinclination. She is seven.
When she asked her granddad how old he was and he told her, she immediately began figuring in her head what year he was born and how old he was when she was born.
When he referred to his age as the "double nickel" she corrected him.
"No, not two nickels, Granddad, it's two quarters and a nickel."

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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