Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A new JD and her proud parents

This is the day we've been waiting for. The baby daughter received her juris doctorate.  Those pearls around her neck are how her dad and I commemorated the event.
She had a goodly number of friends and family in attendance when she walked across the platform during her hooding ceremony.
Afterward, she and her law school BFF's were feted by one of their families, with a dinner at their home near the law school.
It was an absolutely lovely event. It was an absolutely lovely day.
Only the bar exam stands between her and her chosen career.
She's already landed what she is calling her "dream job."
She is writing briefs and observing depositions; generally getting ready to be what she's now degreed to be.

I am posting what she wrote on Facebook regarding her career.
Could we be any prouder I think not!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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